Jennifer & Ignacio: Hyatt Lodge McDonald’s Campus Wedding Photos
Jennifer & Ignacio’s Hyatt Lodge wedding was a hot one. Temperatures for the outdoor ceremony were well above 90 degrees, but the dance floor was even hotter!..
Jennifer & Ignacio’s Hyatt Lodge wedding was a hot one. Temperatures for the outdoor ceremony were well above 90 degrees, but the dance floor was even hotter!..
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For personal privacy, client galleries are password protected. To login, the password is “YYYYMMDDlastname,” where the date is the day of the shoot (wedding day or engagement session) and last name can be either last name. Passwords are case-sensitive, and names are always lowercase.
For example, the password for a July 3, 2018 wedding between John Smith and Sarah Kline would be either 20180703smith or 20180703kline.